We look forward to welcoming you to the regatta and hope you have a very enjoyable and successful couple of days racing.
The Regatta takes place on the River Thames within a boomed 1000m upstream course between Temple Island and Upper Thames Rowing Club on the same reach as the wold-famous Henley Royal Regatta.
The Start is at a point about 100 metres upstream of Temple Island. The Finish is about 3 metres below the floating pontoon in front of the UTRC boathouse. The start is from stakeboats.
For those new to this Regatta please note the Berkshire bank of the river (Berks – on the bank there are dogs that bark) is the side from which you will boat. The other bank is the Buckinghamshire bank (Bucks – on the river side there are ducks).
The event starts at 9:00 AM on the Friday and at 8:00 AM on the Saturday. Races are scheduled 4 minutes apart. Both days finish at 6:00 PM. Crews need to present to the Registration Tent (the big white tent in the competitors’ area) before their first race to collect a back number. Registration opens approximately 1 hour before the first race. There is no set time to register, but if your first race is not for a few hours and there is a long queue, please check back a little later. Please note, your crew will be provided with 2 back numbers marked with information about your first race. The back numbers must be worn during each of your races. If you proceed to the Saturday of racing, you will need to wear the same back numbers as you will not be provided with new back numbers on the Saturday.
If driving, enter “Remenham Church Lane” into your sat nav or use What3words reference scoop.belonging.farmer to reach the turnoff in Remenham Church Lane to the car park. Always enter Remenham Church Lane from the top of the hill on the A4130 (DO NOT enter Remenham Lane at the bottom of the hill). Parking for all cars and trailers is in the field beyond Gate A3 (see the map below). Competitor vehicular access to Remenham Riverside (boating area) is not permitted AT ANY time. Blue Badge holders can park closer, please contact the access email for further information.
When leaving the car park through Donald’s gate, please turn right down Remenham Lane, past Upper Thames Rowing Club towards Henley Bridge. The one-way system of entering via Remenham Church Lane and exiting via Remenham Lane will avoid trailers meeting cars at narrow points in the lane.
Parking charges in 2024 will be GBP 10 per vehicle per day (cash or card). Vehicles towing trailers are permitted free of charge and will be given a Towing Vehicle card to complete with their registration number for re-entry of that particular vehicle at a later time. These Towing Vehicle cards are not transferrable. Parking charges will be applied to vehicles with boats on roof-racks. Pre-booking of parking is NOT required.
The car park and gates for the regatta are open at the times listed below. Any questions beyond this, please email access@henleymastersregatta.org.uk.
Until Thursday 11 July 2024, 12 noon:
NO ACCESS to any parts of the Regatta site including the car park. It is NOT possible to bring trailers (not even to just quickly drop off boats).
Thursday 11 July 2024:
Car park: Gate A3 open from 12 noon to 11 pm; Donald’s Gate (exit gate): 12 noon to 11 pm.
Racks may be available from later afternoon on the Thursday – please be mindful that we will still be preparing the site and follow all health and safety directions you are given.
Friday 12 July 2024:
Car park: Gate A3 open from 7 am to 9 pm; Donald’s Gate (exit gate): open from 7 am to 9 pm.
Boating area gate: No vehicular access, except Blue Badge holders
Saturday 13 July 2024:
Car park: Gate A3 open from 6 am to 9 pm; Donald’s Gate (exit gate): open from 6 am to 9 pm.
Boating area gate: No vehicular access, except Blue Badge holders
Sunday 14 July 2024:
All gates closed.
At no time may a competitor access the restricted fenced off areas. Anyone who does so is not only risking injury but also disqualification from the Regatta.
Boat racks are available in the competitors’ area during the regatta on a first come first serve basis. No reservation needed or allowed. Boat racks will be available later on in the afternoon on the Thursday.
Please remove all boats from the boating area following completion of racing on Saturday. Any boats remaining beyond this time shall be removed. Please note that security is not provided at any time (including overnight) and vehicles and equipment are left at competitors own risk.
Boating out of UTRC during this time is only by prior arrangement with the club. Contact (visitors@utrc.org.uk) for more information. Car & trailer parking is not available at Upper Thames Rowing Club at any time during Henley Masters Regatta.
There is no charge or dress code for spectators. There will be tickets available for spectators to follow in the umpires’ launches behind races to accommodate up to 8 people per race at the umpire’s discretion (some umpires’ launches do not have space for spectators). Tickets are free of charge and available from the regatta official on the bench downstream from the start by where spectators get on and off the launches.
All boats racing on the River Thames in Henley must be registered with the Environment Agency (“EA”). UK Club representatives can register club or individual boats via British Rowing. Please see British Rowing – Information on EA registrations for more information. HMR is not able to issue temporary licences.
Overseas crews who are bringing their own boats can either:
a) buy a temporary EA registration for £9.10 lasting 7 days. You apply for this directly via the Environment Agency by downloading and completing Form TH FIN/149 using this link: River Thames application for unpowered pleasure boats annual / short term / clubs . Send it post or by phone + 44 3708 506506 or email boatreg@environment-agency.gov.uk. Alternatively once you are in the UK you can buy this temporary registration direct from a local lock keeper. Marsh Lock is 1 mile from the HMR course. You will receive a temporary licence sticker which can be affixed to your boat. No EA ID number will be issued.
b) buy an annual registration via British Rowing. British Rowing will give you an EA ID number but you will still need to create a number to affix to the side of your boat. For further information on this option see British Rowing Boat Registration FAQs (select Overseas crew question) or email membership@britishrowing.org.
Henley Masters Regatta takes no responsibility for unregistered boats. If you are borrowing or hiring boats from UK clubs then please check with your hirer that your boat is already registered. If you have any queries on Boat Registration please contact the EA direct on boatreg@environment-agency.gov.uk or contact the boat registration specialist at British Rowing.
Crews should visit: Henley Visitor Information Centre or call 44 (0)1491 578034 Mon – Sat 9am – 4pm.
Ten toilets will be available in the competitors’ area which will be maintained throughout the regatta for your convenience.
The following campsites are nearby and pre-booking is strongly advised. Transport will be required.
Hurley Riverside Park: www.hurleyriversidepark.co.uk
Swiss Farm Camping: www.swissfarmcamping.co.uk
Please note that camping is strictly prohibited at Upper Thames Rowing Club and all areas of Temple Island Meadows.
There is a mobile catering unit in the competitors area providing fresh coffee, tea, food, cakes and snacks. A fully licensed bar will also be operating selling a wide range of refreshments.
The Organising Committee asks that all waste is disposed of in the bins provided.
A limited number of gazebos will be permitted at Henley Masters Regatta. Please ensure that they are put up out of the way of any through traffic – behind the boat racks at the back of the field or in the car park.
If you are interested in exhibiting at Henley Masters Regatta please contact tradestands@henleymastersregatta.org.uk
Please note that the British Rowing membership insurance is only valid for UK residents who are resident in this country for more than six months in a year.
The Henley Masters Regatta etc. – A Henley on Thames Blog from the perspective of a local resident
July 15, 2024 @ 9:12 pm
[…] From the Henley Masters Regatta competitors information online https://henleymastersregatta.org.uk/competitor-information/ […]